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My experience with melatonin

melatonin is one of the effective pills that many people resort to get rid of sleep disorders and insomnia, which is difficult to get rid of many times, and this is because these distinctive pills contain many components that work to control and regulate the body’s hormones, especially responsible for Sleep, and in the context of talking about sleep and insomnia, the reference site is interested in shedding light on my experience with melatonin while clarifying the side effects resulting from excessive intake of these pills, the use of which needs to be consulted with the attending physician.


Many men and women have been interested in trying melatonin pills to benefit from its effective components in regulating intermittent sleep disorders, which lead to some serious mental illnesses. The opinions of these people appear in the following:

  1. A woman who was suffering from frequent awakenings in the late hours of the night confirmed that melatonin pills helped her organize her sleep schedule and then get rid of this annoying insomnia as soon as possible.
  2. Another male was suffering from interrupted sleep all night, and he used to drink a lot of warm drinks to get rid of this problem, but it did not work for him, but when he took melatonin pills, it helped him regulate his sleep schedule in a very noticeable way.
  3. A 22-year-old girl who was suffering from chronic insomnia, especially during exams, confirmed that melatonin pills helped her get rid of this problem, which helped her achieve the best results ever, especially since the body had taken enough rest that it needed.
  4. Another mentioned that melatonin pills helped her get rid of the negative energy that she was feeling throughout the day due to insomnia and interrupted sleep, as this woman felt that she had a deep and special night of sleep.

My Experience with Melatonin Pills During Pregnancy

Many pregnant women have been interested in trying these pills, which play a vital role in eliminating insomnia, which many people cannot tolerate, and the opinions of all these women appeared in the following:

  • A third-month pregnant woman who was suffering from interrupted sleep due to hormonal disorders, which she suffers from, especially at this time, confirmed that melatonin pills helped her get rid of this problem.
  • Another woman mentioned that melatonin pills helped her eliminate interrupted sleep, which she had been suffering from throughout the pregnancy months, but she took these pills after consulting a doctor and after doing many tests and medical examinations.

My Experience with Melatonin for Babies

Melatonin is one of the distinctive medicines that are suitable for adults, but it is not suitable for children, because it may lead to many serious symptoms and complications, and the opinions of these people appear in the following:

  1. One of the mothers confirmed that her child suffers from obvious insomnia, but her private doctor advised her to change the child's habits and not to give him any medical drugs.
  2. Another, whose child had interrupted sleep, reported that melatonin pills led to his chronic headaches.

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Do melatonin supplements improve sleep?

The answer is yes, as many scientific studies have confirmed that melatonin pills give a sense of sleepiness and relaxation, as the insomnia patient falls asleep for a long period because these pills contain many hormones that work effectively and regularly in regulating sleep schedules in a good and distinctive way. Grains play an active role in the following:

  • Delayed sleep onset:  Several studies have confirmed that people who take one pill fall asleep within only seven minutes of taking it, as it eliminates the problem of constant thinking that many people face, especially when going to sleep.
  • Total sleep time:  Several scientific studies have confirmed that taking melatonin pills helped increase the total sleep time to 8 minutes, and therefore it is a distinctive nutritional supplement.
  • Sleep quality:  Melatonin helps the body to relax and rest, and then it prevents insomnia and exaggerated thinking that hinders the proper sleep process.

Benefits of melatonin while sleeping

Melatonin pills play a vital and effective role, especially during sleep, and all these benefits appear in the following:

  • It stimulates the pineal gland in the brain to produce the hormone melatonin, especially when it gets dark around the room.
  • The pills help reduce stress levels in the body, especially during the night, but these levels rise again when you wake up.
  • Melatonin increases the desire to sleep after taking it for a very short period.
  • It is considered one of the best nutritional supplements, especially as it distinctively regulates the biological clock, stimulating a person to sleep at a certain hour and also wake up at a certain hour.
  • It works to combat various factors that prevent the process of healthy or natural sleep.
  • Eliminates occasional insomnia that is difficult to get rid of.

Melatonin drug interactions

This distinctive drug interacts with many other medical treatments, and therefore it is necessary to consult the attending physician before using this nutritional supplement so that the patient with insomnia or interrupted sleep does not suffer from many serious complications, and warfarin, which is considered one of the most important medical treatments associated with blood, is one of the most important treatments Which is not suitable for this nutritional supplement, as the patient needs to do a series of medical tests to eliminate the side effects or serious complications that may result from the interaction of these drugs with each other.