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How long does a cancer patient live?

Breast cancer is a serious disease that affects many women and even men, especially nowadays.

This disease, which requires long periods of treatment, consists of a group of dangerous cancer cells that have gathered in this area of ​​the body.

Therefore, the question of how many years does a breast cancer patient live for many women and girls, and through the reference website, we will highlight how many years a breast cancer patient lives, with an explanation of the causes of this dangerous disease.

How long does a cancer patient live?

A breast cancer patient lives for five years at most, and this depends on the patient’s condition and on the health and psychological care she receives on an ongoing basis.

This is determined, and therefore many specialized doctors advise that women should perform the necessary tests on an ongoing basis until the early detection of the disease, which helps to increase the rates of complete recovery from it, as many studies have proven that there are many women whose age does not increase some infection. This disease is about ten years old and this is due to the spread of this tumor in different parts of the body.

Breast cancer stages

Breast cancer passes through several stages, all of which need medical intervention so that the situation does not worsen and the woman becomes seriously ill. These stages appear as follows:

  • The first stage:  Several studies have proven that there are more than 62% of women suffer from breast cancer in the first stage, especially since it is discovered at this stage, and the tumor is relatively small in size.
  • The second stage:  the tumor, in this case, increases in a very clear way, especially as it spreads to the lymph nodes that are located under the armpit, and is larger than the first stage by 2 cm.
  • The third stage: is when the tumor spreads in a very clear way, reaching the chest wall, and spreading into the skin, which requires immediate medical intervention.
  • Fourth stage:  It is considered one of the most dangerous cases or stages at all, especially since the tumor has spread to other parts of the body, including the lungs, liver, and bones.

Breast cancer causes

Many doctors have confirmed that there is no clear reason behind the risk of breast cancer, which needs early detection to be prevented. Despite that, these reasons appear in the following:

  • Genetic factors: Genetic factors are considered one of the most important reasons at all, especially as they result from a clear defect in the hormone or breast cancer gene No. 1 or No. 2.
  • Genetic defects:  Genetic defects lead to the risk of breast cancer, and these defects are caused by genetic factors or by exposure of the girl or woman to chemical radiation in the chest area for a long period.

Factors that increase the risk of breast cancer

Many factors increase a woman's risk of developing breast cancer, which needs chemical and surgical intervention to get rid of it. These factors appear as follows:

  • Excessive use of birth control pills that contain a high level of estrogen.
  • Genetic factors that lead to hormonal disruption and genetic changes.
  • Age is one of the factors that increase the risk of developing this, as many women develop this disease after reaching the age of twenty, and its severity increases with age.
  • Constant exposure to chemical radiation.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol of all kinds.
  • Obesity or being overweight more than the normal limit.
  • Menstruation at an early age.
  • Treatment with hormones.
  • The high density of breast tissue.

Breast cancer symptoms

Many symptoms confirm that a woman has breast cancer, as this woman needs to consult a physician as soon as possible, and these symptoms are evident in the following:

  • Notice a clear change in the shape of the breast.
  • Nipple secretion of a white transparent substance.
  • Noticeable retraction of the nipple.
  • Noticeable flattening of the skin covering the breast area.
  • Redness in some areas of the breast.
  • Presence of small or large lumps in the breast and under the armpit.

Breast cancer complications

Many complications may result when a woman has this dangerous cancer, and all of these complications appear in the following:

  • Chronic breast pain.
  • Constant feeling of tiredness.
  • Lymphedema.
  • Axillary web syndrome.
  • Anatomical changes in the shape of the breast.

Breast cancer diagnosis methods

Many medical methods or means can be used to diagnose this dangerous disease, and all of these methods are evident in the following:

  • Radiation imaging: many doctors resort to it, especially when there are symptoms of this disease in women, and it is resorted to only in early cases of this disease.
  • Breast self-examination:  It is recommended by many specialists, as women resort to this examination from the age of 20, through which they realize all the cells and tissues in their own breast, and this type helps in the early detection of symptoms of that disease.
  • Breast examination in the clinic: A  woman needs this accurate type of examination every three years at least, and it can also be done only once a year until the woman is sure of her safety.
  • Biopsy:  It is one of the most accurate tests that can be done to detect breast cancer, as this accurate medical method helps determine the type of surgery that a woman needs.

breast cancer treatment

There are many medical methods or treatments that many women resort to who have been exposed to this dangerous disease, which threatens the lives of many women. The methods of treating this disease appear as follows:

  • Surgery:  Many doctors stress the need to perform surgery on the breast area to remove the affected part or to remove the breast completely, and after some time the woman may perform another breast implant surgery again.
  • Radiation therapy:  This is a common treatment method that helps reduce the size of the tumor inside the breast, as the woman is exposed to this radiation continuously and at minute intervals until the tumor is completely finished.
  • Chemotherapy:  Chemotherapy is considered one of the best treatment methods, especially as it helps to eliminate any other cancers, not just those in the breast. This type of treatment helps destroy existing cancer cells and prevent them from reappearing.

Ways to prevent the risk of breast cancer

Many ways can be followed or resorted to prevent the risk of contracting this dangerous disease, and all of these tips appear in the following:

  • It is necessary to take a group of medical treatments that work to control the estrogen hormone inside the body and thus reduce the risk of contracting this disease, which is difficult to get rid of.
  • You must eat healthy and nutritious foods.
  • It is imperative to stay away from smoking or alcohol.
  • Exercising regularly to reach the ideal weight.
  • Eat plenty of olive oil.
  • Finally, stay away from direct exposure to pesticides.

Thus, at the end of this article, we have explained to you the answer to the question of how many years a breast cancer patient lives, and we have clarified a set of tips that help prevent this dangerous disease.