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Do worms cause bad breath?

this is a question that comes to mind almost constantly, especially for those with this problem, as this smell is greatly annoying and causes embarrassment for people, because some may be reluctant to be next to them during eating? Or talking or otherwise, and through the reference site, we will shed light on this matter and mention the most important and sound, and simple treatment methods.

Do worms cause bad breath?

To answer this question, we can say yes, worms cause bad breath, because their presence inside the digestive system and putrefaction results in a foul smell coming out of the mouth, and this smell may not be controlled by a person except by treating the worms because they are the main cause of the problem, as some other reasons cause bad smell in the mouth, such as tooth decay or not washing the mouth permanently, and other reasons related to oral hygiene, as well as constantly eating certain types of unhealthy foods or taking some types of medications.

It is necessary to identify some basic points that confirm the absence of worms inside the stomach, and then know the main cause of unpleasant odors. If a person does not practice these habits, the smell may be from the stomach, and these habits are as follows:

  • Eating some spicy foods, onions, or garlic, all of which cause foul odors to come out of the mouth.
  • Not using oral cleansers or brushing the teeth continuously, results in the presence of food residues between the teeth and changes the smell of the mouth.
  • If the person has some diseases of the nose, mouth, or throat because these diseases cause foul smells from the mouth.
  • If the person has ulcers inside the mouth or problems with the gums.

Causes of bad breath

Many reasons lead to a bad smell from the mouth, and this smell continues until the main cause is treated, and these reasons are as follows:

Gastrointestinal causes

The answer to the question, do worms cause bad breath, lies in the following paragraph, since there are some types of worms that cause problems inside the stomach and cause unpleasant odors from the mouth, and these reasons are as follows:

  • The presence of intestinal worms inside the stomach: as a result of fermentation of foods and the rotting of the worms, which results in a foul smell coming out of the mouth.
  • Achalasia: It is a rare disease that prevents the muscle from relaxing, as this disease results in a return of taste to the throat after eating it and a foul smell coming out of the mouth.
  • The presence of porcine tapeworms: they move quickly inside the body and cause many dangers, whether in the heart, liver, or eyes, and sometimes cause unpleasant odors in the mouth.
  • And the presence of needle worms or pinworms in the stomach: they are small white worms in size, they enter the stomach with contaminated foods and cause foul odors in the mouth or stool, and they exit the body through the anus, resulting in a feeling of itching and inflammation in this place.
  • The presence of the liver fluke worm inside the liver: It causes some harm to humans, such as nausea, fever, and foul smell from the mouth.

Reasons related to taking some types of medication

It is very important to know that some types of medicines cause unpleasant odors to come out of the mouth, as these odors are issued due to the breakdown of chemicals in the medicine inside the body and the smell comes out with the breath or when speaking, and the patient should discuss this matter with the doctor to identify the types of These medications or substitute them for others.

Causes related to the respiratory system and the mouth

Some problems occur in the respiratory system, or inside the mouth, in particular, that cause foul smell to come out of the mouth, and these reasons include the following:

  • Dry mouth: As a result of the lack of salivary gland secretion and the person breathing through the mouth instead of the nose.
  • The person is exposed to rotting of the dental nerve: it is one of the most common problems that result in unpleasant and unbearable smells, and it also causes a lot of difficult pain for the person, and for this, it is recommended to visit the doctor as soon as possible to treat this problem completely.
  • Infection in the tonsils or sinuses: It is one of the most common problems in children and causes unpleasant odors from the mouth.
  • If the person is a smoker: smoking significantly affects the teeth, causing damage to the gums and teeth.
  • The spread of fungi in the mouth or tooth decay: This results in the accumulation of germs and bacteria inside the mouth and the exit of foul-smelling acids that change the smell of the mouth.

Diseases that cause bad breath

Some diseases result in a bad smell from the mouth, and among these diseases are the following:

  • Exposure to some lung problems or cancerous tumors.
  • Exposure to some kidney problems, so it is recommended to undergo kidney function tests to ensure its safety.
  • People with diabetes, because their bodies are not able to make the right amount of insulin.

Signs of the presence of worms in the intestine

After the question has been answered, do worms cause bad breath, the signs that indicate the presence of these worms in the intestines will be known? These signs are as follows:

  • Bad odors in the mouth: especially when there are worms that rot inside the stomach and intestines.
  • The appearance of a foul odor in the stool: as a result of an infection within the intestine.
  • Severe itching in the anus area: This is due to the presence of worms in the stomach.
  • The appearance of some red spots on the skin: or what is known as a rash, is a rare symptom.

Treating bad breath due to stomach

The method of treatment depends on knowing the main cause of unpleasant odors. In most cases, treatment is carried out according to the following approach:

Reliance on drug treatments

There are a group of medicines that help treat stomach problems that result in bad breath. The following medicines are used:

  1. Take antacids such as magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, and sodium carbonate. Some of them are chewable and help change the smell of the mouth for the better.
  2. Take a proton pump inhibitor.
  3. Take histamine blockers.

Reducing the intake of foods that increase the acidity of the stomach

The problem of GERD results in an increase in stomach acidity and causes unpleasant odors in the mouth, and this is mainly caused by eating some foods such as citrus fruits and caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee, alcohol, and all products that contain tomatoes, as well as foods that contain high levels of fat. or unhealthy foods.

Change in some lifestyles

Some wrong lifestyles result in unpleasant odors from the mouth, and for this, it is recommended to change these habits because they help in treating this problem, and it is also recommended to follow the following:

  • Divide meals into small meals instead of eating 3 large meals throughout the day.
  • Do not lie down immediately after sleeping, and it is preferable to wait for 2 to 3 hours.
  • Chewing gum regularly, as it reduces reflux symptoms and freshens breath.
  • Put a pillow under the torso as it helps reduce pressure on the stomach and diaphragm.

Tips to prevent worms

After identifying whether worms cause bad breath, and knowing the effect of worms on mouth odor, it was necessary to mention some important tips that the patient should take into account to prevent worms infestation, including the following:

  • It is recommended to permanently sterilize all surfaces inside the kitchen or bathroom to get rid of bacteria or germs before the matter worsens and the person becomes infected with worms.
  • Be very careful to wash your hands well after using the toilet.
  • Make sure to change your underwear frequently in the morning and evening.
  • Always clean toilets, as these worms can be transmitted from person to person.
  • Make sure to wash towels and all clothes at a higher temperature than normal to sterilize them.

Thus, the question of whether worms cause bad breath has been answered and the answer to how do I know that mouth odor is from the stomach, as well as identifying the causes of bad breath in detail, and the diseases that may result in repulsive odors, in addition to mentioning some signs that indicate the presence of Worms inside the intestines, and tips to reduce worms infestation.